ну может автор эмулятора со временем передумает и выпустит версию под что-то ещё кроме windows.

вот ещё одна бета-версия эмулятора:

Altirra 2.3 test 6.


изменения за 5 - 6 беты:

features added

Debugger: .tapedata command now supports seeking options and reports gaps.
MMU: Added support for Axlon banked memory.
Simulation: Split XL/XE hardware into separate XL and XE modes to handle hardware differences.

bugs fixed

65C816: The abs,X, abs,Y, (dp),Y, [dp],Y and (d,S),Y addressing modes can now cross bank boundaries.
65C816: An additional instruction is no longer executed after WAI before servicing the interrupt.
65C816: JMP (abs) now always reads from bank 0 instead of the data bank.
65C816: JMP (abs,X), and JSR (abs,X) now read from the program bank rather than the data bank.
65C816: Fixed switch between DL=0 and DL!=0 in emulation mode not taking effect immediately.
65C816: Indexed modes now properly take an additional cycle for writes and for 16-bit index registers.
65C816: The d,S addressing mode can now index out of page one in emulation mode.
65C816: d,S and (d,S),Y now always read from bank 0.
65C816: 16-bit stack operations can access page zero and page two in emulation mode.
65C816: TCS/TXS can no longer change SH in emulation mode.
Debugger: Fixed disassembly of PEA ($F4) opcode.
Debugger: PHX and PHY no longer create bogus call trees in the History window in 16-bit indexing mode.
Debugger: Fixed disassembly of opcodes with the (d,S),Y addressing mode.
MMU: VBXE can now properly overlay Covox.
VBXE: Writing a '1' to the blitter start bit no longer aborts an active blit.